Best Resources to Learn Programming

If you want to learn programming, then this article is for you. We will be going over some of the best resources that can help teach you how to code in specific language. There are many different types of programming languages out there such as Python, Java, among others. You’ll find a variety of different options depending on what your skill level is and what type of project you’re trying to work on.



Flutter – Flutter is a free and open-source mobile UI framework created by Google and released in May 2017. With Flutter, developer can make a native mobile application, web, desktop software with only one codebase.


WordPress – WordPress is the simplest and most popular content management system written in PHP to to create your own website or blog.


Unity – Most indie developers pick Unity as their go to IDE when it comes to making games for desktop, game console, and mobile. The engine keeps increasing popularity over the years.


Electron JS – Electron is a framework for creating native applications with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The created apps can target 3 major operating systems: Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Firebase – Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications with powerful features for developing, handling, and enhancing applications.


React Native, a JavaScript framework streamlines the creation of mobile apps for both Android and iOS platforms. It allows developers to craft apps that closely mimic native applications. The ability...

Flutter is a UI toolkit, developed by Google, and you can use it to create a beautiful native app for desktop, mobile, and web. For faster development and native performance,...

Odoo, formerly known as OpenERP, is business management software including CRM, E-commerce, Sales management, Warehouse management, Purchase management, Accounting suit, Manufacturing management, HRMS, etc. Tutorials and Courses Odoo Developer Document -...

WordPress is a free, open-source software that allows you to build websites and blogs. It has many features including, but not limited to SEO plugins, security plugins, social media integration...
Django is an open-source web framework used to rapidly develop web applications. With Django, developers are able to quickly and reliably create web applications using Python. It is popular amongst...

Many of web developers nowadays are trying to learn TypeScript due to its’ extraordinary syntax as well as the OOP features, which are very much advanced. An interesting thing about...

Blazor WebAssembly is a new UI technology that was announced by Microsoft at Build 2018. It allows developers to use .NET languages like C# and F# in the browser with...
jQuery is a javascript library that allows you to get more things done while writing less code. It simplifies many JavaScript tasks, as well as CSS animation, event handling, DOM...

Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework utilized for mobile-first front-end and responsive web development. In case you didn’t know yet, Bootstrap 4 is the current stable version and...

Node is said to be a platform for web developers that helps in writing server-side fine performance as well as network applications. Of course, it uses old JavaScript. This only...

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework, client-side that allows the development of a vital web application. Originally, this was a Google project, yet today, it’s an open-source framework. It uses the...
Xamarin is a Microsoft-owned San Francisco-based software company founded in May 2011 by the engineers that created Mono. It is an open-source app platform from Microsoft for building modern hybrid iOS...

Electron is among the most popular open-source frameworks for developing and designing cross-browser and cross-platform interactive and dynamic apps. It’s the central GUI framework behind WordPress Desktop, GitHub Desktop, Light...

Drupal is an open-source PHP Content Management System widely used for developing dynamic websites. It's made by a dedicated community. Drupal is a content management system and framework for building...

Tailwind CSS is a low-level CSS framework that is highly customizable. It offers you all of the building blocks you need to create beautiful and sleek designs without any annoying...
JavaScript UI Framework is a term that refers to frameworks used in web development. They are typically JavaScript libraries that provide the framework for user interfaces of web applications, including...

CodeIgniter (CI) is a PHP MVC framework with a very small footprint, built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. It contains libraries,...

Written in PHP, Yii2 is an open-source web application framework. It is designed to be simple, but also evolutionary. It brings in high performance and can easily tackle large-scale web...

Phalcon PHP is a web framework that initially hit the market in 2012. It is an open source platform. However, unlike other similar frameworks, it is designed as a C-extension....

OpenCart is one of the most popular online store management systems on the market. It relies on PHP and it requires a MySQL database. It is available for free and...

Joomla is free and allows publishing web content in a friendly and straightforward manner. It is based on PHP and features regular updates. Overall, the system is ideal for e-commerce...

Symfony is a PHP web application framework that has existed as free software since 2005. The software is ideal for developers from many angles. Symfony comes with custom features and...
Android is one of the most dominating mobile operating systems in the present market. That is why Android apps have become popular, and app developers think of learning the best...

Laravel is a popular PHP framework that makes developing apps and websites easier, as well as faster. The Laravel platform is based on the Symfony framework and follows the MVC...

Firebase is a proprietary service from Google providing support for application development. It allows developers to create their applications, and improve and update them. It covers a wide variety of...


Creating an RPG is no small feat. It's a journey of exploration and creation that requires patience, creativity, and an understanding of what players truly seek. Essential Features of an...

There are numerous courses that you can use to help your kid learn Scratch programming, especially if they haven’t ever done this before. This would give them a boost in...
Kotlin is one of the open-source programming languages with functional and object-oriented features. JetBrains developed Kotlin, and you can find it as a streamlined Java language. Nowadays, Android developers use...
Java is a reliable, fast, and secure programming language. This free-to-download programming language is available in the latest version with high security, stability, and better performance. By downloading Java software,...

HTML5 is the latest version of Hypertext Markup Language, the code that describes web pages. HTML5 can do lots of things on the web without relying on web plugins, it...
C# is a programming language that is used to create apps and other programs. Learning C# can be difficult when you don't know where to start, but don't worry! We...
Swift is an industry-standard programming language to develop iOS apps. You can use Swift to create apps for iPadOS, watchOS, macOS, and tvOS. New programmers can easily learn Swift. Still,...
ASP.NET is a web development framework created by Microsoft that allows developers to build dynamic websites, web applications, and web services. It is a part of the .NET platform and...

Regardless of which Metric you glance at, whether GitHub Stars, Google Trends, Tweets, etc. VueJS is considered the brightest star in the frameworks of JavaScript- it’s simply amazing! Vue JS...
C is a general-purpose PL (programming language) that can be used to build software such as compilers, operating systems, and databases. It supports lexical variable scope, recursion, and structured programming....
C++ is a popular programming language that can be found in many GUIs, embedded systems, and operating systems. It’s a general-purpose PL that supports object-oriented and procedure programming. Modern C++...

JavaScript is a scripting language that enables you to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, and pretty much anything on a webpage. JavaScript Tutorials and Courses JavaScript Guide - The...
SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It is a server software product with many features, and it runs on Windows and Linux operating systems. Microsoft SQL Server...
Learning a new programming language can be intimidating, but with the right resources, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. PHP is a great language to learn for creating...

Python s is widely used in web and game development, scientific computing, AI, machine learning, and academic research. As a first language, it is very easy to learn, productive and...
Golang, also known as Go language, is a modern programming language created by Google as a fast and efficient way to write software. Analysts tout its support for both high-speed...

COBOLl is one of the earliest and best programming languages for beginners. For over six decades, COBOL has been at the core of the business world, running the mission-critical operations...

As a web designer or developer, one should understand that having a deep understanding of CSS is imperative to creating beautiful websites. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the basis of...


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have become the defining technologies of the 21st century, revolutionizing industries and shaping the future of countless fields. From autonomous vehicles to personalized...

Google's TensorFlow is currently the most famous deep-learning library in the world. TensorFlow offers a comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries, and community resources. What is TensorFlow? TensorFlow is an...


SQLite is an open-source, relational database management system that does not require a separate server. It is one of the most popular forms of internal database systems on the web...
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. It is often used with PHP to make websites. Are you among those folks who are eager to learn MySQL yet do have...
DynamoDB is a hosted NoSQL database offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It follows a key-value and document database approach that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. What is...
PostgreSQL also known as Postgres is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness,...

Game engine

Created by Unity Technologies, Unity is one of the popular cross-platform game engines released in the year 2005. Tech professionals use the engine to build AR, VR, 3D, and 2D...

Godot Engine is a completely free and open-source game engine for making both 2D and 3D games. It consists of a huge set of common tools which help you focus...

The Unreal Engine is one of the top game engines, created by Epic Games. Although it was originally intended for developing first-person shooter games, it turned out to be valuable...
Corona is a Lua-based 2D engine that lets you develop games for all major platforms including iOS, Android, Kindle, Apple TV, Android TV, macOS, and Windows. The framework consists of over...

Construct is an HTML5-based 2D game editor, developed by Scirra Ltd. Construct is a fully featured game development tool known for its constant updates and improvements. The engine allows non-programmers...
GameMaker Studio is one of the most popular game-creation tools when it comes to active support forums and the community. The tool was created by Mark Overmars in 1999 and...

Phaser is a free open-source 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile. The engine uses both a Canvas and WebGL renderer internally and swaps automatically between...

Version control

Git is a sophisticated, distributed version control system that can handle both small and large projects efficiently and easily. It is open-source and free. Git can be used to monitor...

What is a Programming Language?

A programming language is a list of instructions that tell the computer what to do. These instructions are given in a specific order and they can be used for everything from simple calculations to creating complicated 3D games. There are many different types of programming languages, with some being more complex than others.

In programming, there are several languages that can be used to write code. These include low-level and high-level languages. A program written in a high-level language has to go through another process before it is executed by the computer hardware; this step involves converting the original file into machine level instructions which will later help run your application.

In the same vein, most high-level programming languages are designed to be easy for programmers to use. This includes things like reserved words and symbols that can help show a programmer’s intent more easily than using just letters (i.e., function vs func).

Furthermore, many of these language have similar structures so interchanging code between them is not difficult when it comes down to understanding what each line does in terms of logic flow or syntax alone from looking at its representation on screen without actually having used any other form of documentation prior (in this sense I guess you could say they’re pretty much “standardized”).

Programming requires detailed knowledge of coding skills as well as sound technical expertise since each line carries important information for executing commands efficiently on specific devices like servers or mobile phones etcetera.

Though programming is considered a difficult and technical field, there are several resources available online that can help you to learn the basics in just a few days. If you want to become an expert coder or simply get started with the fundamentals of coding then it’s best if you gain hands-on experience from interactive training courses like Codecademy which provides interactive courses for the beginners to learn coding in just a short span of time.

There are several reasons why you should start learning programming right away, one being that it is becoming increasingly difficult for programmers to keep up with language trends and so new coders can easily get ahead by starting early themselves. Also if you ever end up losing your job as a programmer, you can easily switch careers to become a teacher or even start your own business.

Since programming is becoming so widely used in many different businesses and organizations like Google, Microsoft etcetera it’s only going to increase over time which means that now more than ever there are several job opportunities for programmers around the world.

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