Laravel is a popular PHP framework that makes developing apps and websites easier, as well as faster. The Laravel platform is based on the Symfony framework and follows the MVC architectural pattern.
It’s an open-source structure and became a carved ability in PHP designers. Laravel has an amazing linguistic structure and accompanies an efficient toolbox. It’s the preferred option of groundbreaking web engineers as it’s stacked with proficient elements such as simplicity of confirmation, impressive ORM, clean steering a good line library, and many others.
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Laravel tutorials and online courses
If you want to know how to develop Laravel or want to know about the system, there are many sources available out there to help you.
-’s Laravel 5.7 From Scratch – There are over six hours of video content dedicated to Laravel. This course has been teaching people about Laravel since 2013 and its popularity has grown year by year. What separates them from their competitors is that they regularly re-record their videos so that they stay current.
-– The course is split into 14 lessons, each taking from 10 to 15 minutes to be completed. The content is pretty straightforward and comprehensible. Once you are done with the lessons and you will be able to use Artisan tools to build new applications from scratch.
- – The Ultimate Laravel Guide for Beginners & Experienced – Cloud Ways guides you through the world of Laravel with simple, yet on-point online tutorials on everything Laravel. What separates it from other similar websites is that once you get the basics, you can find all sorts of advanced tutorials and projects that can be used to create a portfolio.
- – Recent Laravel 6 Tutorial From Scratch Step By Step – Absolute beginners with zero understanding of Laravel will find this course extremely helpful and easy to follow. There is an installation guide for both ubuntu and windows users. Furthermore, the course contains tutorials on how to build Laravel applications, as well as Laravel pagination, Laravel email verification, Laravel, Crud, and so on.
- – PHP with Laravel for Beginners – The course is designed for beginners, but it gets you fast from beginner to working on real-life projects. There are over 32 hours of video content spread over 336 lectures. During this course, the user gets to work on several CMS apps. By the end of the course, not only the user will have made a portfolio of apps, but it will have a certification of completion.
- Laracasts: This is a reliable resource run and operated by the most renowned and popular instructors in the Laravel community. Rather than utilizing conventional scripts or slide-based lectures, this site recommends a Sublime text that makes learning extremely interactive and practical. You can chase your preferred subjects in a long list of subjects concerning Laravel.
- Official Documentation: If you’re a novice, you might find this site a little bit daunting and confusing. But, it is one of the best resources to check each time you’re in trouble. If you’re comfortable with the language and have begun writing your code in Laravel, make sure to visit this site to know whether you are properly doing things.
- SitePoint Laravel – This is a popular network of developers from diverse backgrounds, established by Matt Mickiewicz and Mark Harbottle. This site maintains comprehensive learning material for diverse popular languages through active community discussions and regular blogs from business professionals. It has detailed learning resources for Laravel with subjects ideal for a newbie.
- Matt Stauffer’s Blog – Matt is a renowned PHP developer. His blog is a valuable resource essentially if you want to follow the modifications which have taken place in the diverse versions of Laravel which lead up to the newest version.
- Cloudways Blog – This is one of the best-managed cloud hosting sites that has full PHP 7 as well as Laravel support. It features an exceptional combination of caching and server systems through its ThunderStack which promised almost seamless uptime and load speed. It also features a tutorial for beginner and seasoned Laravel subjects from experts.
- Laravel Daily Blog – This is a renowned consultancy company. The company’s blog hosted on the site is a good resource for developers who want to start in Laravel. Renowned articles include automated testing and tips and guides in Laravel validation.
- Laravel Tricks – An industry resource that aims to help Laravel network extend the framework and know each other. Laravel Tricks is a remarkable way for PHP developers to share their experiences on how to utilize the framework more efficiently.
- Laravel 8 Beginner to Advance with Complete News Portal – This course teaches you to master Laravel to make advanced applications like the real CMS. It has the best tutorials you can find. It provides a thorough course on taking you from the process of installation to the investigation of all its notable features as well as functions, which brings you to the Beginner to Advance level by creating the complete most advanced Online News Portal Project. You will able to understand how to complete one project, how to handle project bugs, Core structures of MVC. This complete project will help you to get a job with this new skill.
CRUD Generator

- Laravel Generator – It generates CRUD, Repository, Requests, Migrations, APIs, Test Cases, and Swagger Documentation.
- CRUD Booster – Creating a web backend, admin, and web apps with Laravel is never been easy.
- crud-generator – This Generator package provides various generators like CRUD, API, Controller, Model, Migration, and View for the painless development of your applications.
Admin Panel & Dashboard

- Vuexy – Vuexy – Vuejs + HTML Admin Dashboard Template – is the most developer friendly & highly customizable VueJS + HTML Admin Dashboard Template based on Vue CLI, Vuex & Vuexy component framework.
- Orbiter – Orbiter is a minimal and clean Bootstrap Admin Template. It is built with the latest Bootstrap version & latest Laravel version keeping flexibility in mind.
- Craftable – Craftable is a Laravel-based open-source toolkit for building administration interfaces, ships with a powerful CRUD generator to speed up the development of your CMS, CRM, or another back-office system.
- Voyager – Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, a menu builder, and much more.
- LaraAdmin – A Simple and Fast way to Build Admin Panel
- in Laravel as well as a CRM.
- Z-song / Laravel-admin – This is an administrative interface builder which can help you build CRUD backends just with a few lines of code.
- Backpack for Laravel – To create a management page (aka CRUD), you create a CrudController. In there, configure or overwrite whatever you want. Load our views, or create your own.
- QuickAdminPanel – It can generate DB models, a fresh CRUD admin panel, and API for you.
Popular Laravel CMS

- Lavalite – Lavalites helps you to quickly set up a content management system or a cloud-based application based on Laravel with its package builder and marketplace.
- Statamic – Statamic is capable of workflows and content models that are impossible on other platforms.
- October – October is a free, open-source, self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework. October CMS isn’t bloated with features that you don’t need.
- PyroCMS – Build better Laravel websites and applications faster with Pyro.
- Coaster – Coaster was designed to be flexible, so users can easily manage apparently complex website features with ease.
- TypiCMS – TypiCMS is a modular multilingual content management system built with Laravel 6. Out of the box, you can manage pages, events, news, places, menus, translations, etc.
Best Laravel Libraries
- Spatie – This package is the top one when it comes to managing user permissions and roles in a database.
- Entrust – Entrust is a succinct and flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel 5.
- Laravel Debugbar – This is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel. It includes a ServiceProvider to register the debug bar and attach it to the output.
- Laravel Mix – Laravel Mix provides a clean, fluent API for defining basic webpack build steps for your Laravel application. Mix supports several common CSS and JavaScript pre-processors.
- Laravel Backup – The package creates a backup of your application. The backup is a zip file that contains all files in the directories you specify along with a dump of your database
- No Captcha – Add Google reCaptcha to your app.
- SEOTools – SEOTools is a package for Laravel 5.8+ and Lumen that provides helpers for some common SEO techniques.
There are endless resources available that you can utilize to create or enhance your expertise in Laravel expertise. Some are paid, but most will provide you with practical knowledge of basic Laravel ideas for free.