Best Resources to Learn Phalcon PHP

Phalcon PHP is a web framework that initially hit the market in 2012. It is an open source platform. However, unlike other similar frameworks, it is designed as a C-extension. It is excellent to improve the execution speed, limit the resource usage and deal with more HTTP requests per second.

Tutorials and Courses

  • Tutorial – Basic – This is a series of official tutorials, you will learn to create an application with a simple registration form while introducing the main design aspects of Phalcon such as the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, the Dependency Injection (DI) container, and the Events Manager. Additionally, you will learn how to use the Phalcon Developer Tools to generate the application’s code.
  • Learn Phalcon PHP Framework – This course is quite scalable. Initially, you will learn how to start Phalcon PHP applications from scratch. With time, you will be able to develop more comprehensive projects. You will learn about database management with models and the ORM, as well as the Dependency Injection Service and other technologies.
  • PHP Model-View-Controller Frameworks & Phalcon Deep Dive – With four hours of videos spread over nine sections and 34 lectures, this class will let you get up and running with Phalcon PHP in no time. It focuses on the fundamentals of this framework, so you will discover the basics. From that point on, you can adapt and mix things together for more sophisticated projects.
  • Phalcon PHP Framework For Beginners – This is one of the best rated courses out there. It helps you understand the work flow associated with Phalcon PHP, diagrams and configurations. You will find out more about the controllers and their functionality. Discover how to blend Phalcon PHP and SQL, but also learn about cookies with definition.
  • Learn Phalcon Php Framework From Scratch – There are four lectures and about six hours of content in this class. Despite its name, it is not suitable for complete newbies. Instead, it is more appropriate for developers who already understand how PHP and object oriented design technologies work. The course is designed in a step by step style for an easy understanding.
  • Get Started With Phalcon – This course is less than two hours long. It has 12 lessons and covers pretty much everything – from the setup and bootstrap file to the final touches. You will learn how to connect a database, deal with models, views and controllers and handle contacts.


  • volt-phalcon-language – An extension for VS Code which supports Snippets, Syntax Highlighting, Hover, Completion, and Formatting for Volt.


  • Album O’Rama – This is a sample modular application for the Phalcon PHP Framework. This starter kit is expected to have as many features as possible to showcase the framework and its potential.
  • INVO Application – INVO is a small application that allows users to generate invoices, manage customers and products as well as sign up and log in.

Best Libraries

  • phalcon-boundmodels – This is a ORM library for Phalcon, which can automatically get models based on dispatcher parameters within the framework.
  • phalcon-seeder – This is another database seeder component for Phalcon.
  • Phalcon-autorouter – Simple way to auto load modules without complicate definition of routes. AutoRoutin plugin route application based on URL in order /module/controller/action/. When module, controller or action have not been found AutoRoute plugin automaticaly shift route for specific part and set it for next part.
  • phalcon-twig – Twig template engine implementation for Phalcon PHP.
  • phalcon-cart – A simple shoppingcart implementation.
  • phalcon-meta-tags – This plugin allows you to easily and flexibly customize the meta tags of your view, which help an application’s SEO.

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