Best Resources to Learn Android Development

Android is one of the most dominating mobile operating systems in the present market. That is why Android apps have become popular, and app developers think of learning the best technologies for Android app development. As one of the Android app developers, you have a chance of getting jobs.

Tutorials and Courses

Android is an open-source platform so it can be used in many different ways without limitations. This makes it ideal for developers who are just starting out, as they can create an app and put it on the marketplace without the need of meeting the above assurance criteria. So, it doesn’t matter if you want to learn Android development or mobile development, here are the top resources to learn Android development online.

Now, you can look for a training program to learn Android development. We have listed some free and paid courses available at different online sites.

  1. Android Developer – This is one of the best sources of information concerning Android development. It has all the documentation you will need, and there’s also a training section that will help you gain knowledge about Android programming and create an app from scratch. Also, there are guides and documentation for distribution and design if you’re interested in those subjects too.
  2. Vogella Android – This site has a massive selection of Android tutorials for free. This site touch on the whole thing from the basic to more advanced topics. Every tutorial is very well written, giving great code examples as well as a link to further resources.
  3. My Life with Android – This website looks more like a developer’s diary than a standard Android development tutorial. Managed by Gabor Peller, details all his experiences with developing an Android app. While it is considered a great source to learn Android development from a firsthand viewpoint, it might contain errors, as it’s written by someone who’s putting his ideas as he learns Android development. In general, it’s an excellent resource, and you may be able to learn new things by reading about somebody else’s experience with developing an Android app.
  4. TechnoTalkative -This site has a collection of tutorials and articles concerning Android app development.  This can be accessed for free, and cover a specific aspect of developing an Android app ideal for novice and skilled designers.  The objective of this site is to give in-depth answers to questions on Android development.
  5. Treehouse – This is a subscription-based site with a fantastic collection of lessons and tutorials which will take you in developing an Android app online from the basic to the advanced topic. When you subscribe, you will have access to the finest Android app development courses that you can finish at your own pace and leisure.
  6. Mobile Tuts+: A great resource for information and inspiration on developing an Android app for novices and seasons alike, Mobile Tuts+ is part of the productive Envato Network, and they offer the best content about mobile development. It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned developer or a newbie; this site has a wide selection of tutorials to know Android app development for free.
  7. Android Basics: User Interface – This is a semi-free solution for learning Android development. There are many different lessons of varying content and lengths. This course is designed for students who are new to programming and want to learn how to build Android apps. Some of the lessons cover the basics while some were providing more advanced and specialized subject matter. Many shorter lessons are offered for free, while some need you to give a considerable amount of money.
  8. Advanced Android App Development by Google – This is also a reliable course provided by Google.  In this course, you will learn how to make your app production-ready by developing a variety of different sample apps, each designed to showcase advanced capabilities of the Android platform, including fragments, widgets, media playback, and testing. You’ll learn how to create UI tests using the Espresso framework, leverage third-party libraries and services like ExoPlayer and Firebase Cloud Messaging, and use Google APIs to make your app aware of its location
  9. Android Material Design Videos – You will know about Google’s Material Design used for developing Android apps. You can learn how to implement this design in creating apps for Android Lollipop and other pre-Lollipop versions, including new widgets such as CardView, ToolBar, and RecyclerView.
  10. – It is the official source for free tutorials with a guide on UI structure and Android APIs. It has 2 sections: Codelabs and Courses. Most codelabs step you through the process of building a small app or adding a new feature to an existing app while Courses focus on training paths that teach you how to build Android apps.
  11. Google: Associate Android Developer (AAD) – On this website, you can find a premium certification course to become an Android developer. However, you must know about Java to choose this course. The curriculum of this course includes instructions on Android Studio, app testing, Android tools, Gradle, and more.
  12. The Complete Android N Developer Course – You will know about Android Studio and a range of Android features. The tutorial enables you to create Android Oreo apps and clone other apps (Instagram and Uber). Without any programming knowledge, you can join the Android N Developer course.
  13. Android Basics: User Interface – Android app interface design is highly important to developers, and this free tutorial helps you to learn the way of creating the best UI. The beginner-level course covers two weeks, and you will learn lots of things. The self-paced learning is one of the advantageous features of this online course at Udacity.
  14. – This is a community-sourced documentation hub all about ConstraintLayout. It teaches a lot of basic stuff and some tips to implement this layout.
  15. Basic Android Weather App – Make an Android app that read weather information from OpenWeather using Retrofit.
  16. Calculator App – A simple calculator with a number pad and 4 Math operators with a display screen. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use ConstraintLayout for a complicated layout.
  17. Using RxJava 2 – Reactive programming is an important part of making an Android app nowadays. Learn how to use RxJava 2 in your app!
  18. Android MVP Introduction – 2 chapters introduce Model, view, and presenter which is an Android architecture that provides code reusability and testability.

Languages and Platforms

For games:

Android IDEs

What IDE to use depends on what programming language you use to make an Android app.

For native, I recommend only Android Studio.

Best Android Libraries

  1. RxJava – It is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM. It becomes the standard for making an Android app.
  2. Dagger 2 – Dagger is a compile-time framework for dependency injection. It uses no reflection or runtime bytecode generation, does all its analysis at compile-time, and generates plain Java source code.
  3. Retrofit – Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. Networking is one of the most important parts of Android applications and Retrofit will make handling network requests easier.
  4. Store – Store is a Kotlin library for loading data from remote and local sources. A Store is a class that simplifies the fetching, sharing, storage, and retrieval of data in your application. 
  5. Coil – An image-loading library for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
  6. Picasso – Images add much-needed context and visual flair to Android applications. Picasso allows for hassle-free image loading in your application—often in one line of code!
  7. FastAdapter – The FastAdapter is here to simplify creating adapters for RecyclerViews. Don’t worry about the adapter anymore. Just write the logic for how your view/item should look, and you are done. It supports many common use cases of recyclerview, including drag-n-drop, header & footer, checkbox/radio, endless scroll, swipe to remove, and many more.
  8. AChartEngine – AChartEngine is a charting library for Android applications. It currently supports the following chart types: line chart, area chart, scatter chart, time chart, bar chart, pie chart, bubble chart, doughnut chart, range (high-low) bar chart, dial chart/gauge, combined (any combination of line, cubic line, scatter, bar, range bar, bubble) chart, cubic line chart.
  9. EazeGraph – EazeGraph is an Android library for creating beautiful and fancy charts. Its main goal was to create a lightweight library that is easy to use and highly customizable with an “up-to-date”-look.
  10. AppCrossPromoter – An Android library to cross-promote your apps and manage direct-sold campaigns (free, open source, third party).
  11. Toasty – Make toast more tasty and beautiful.
  12. Lottie – Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile!
  13. timber – A logger with a small, extensible API that provides utility on top of Android’s normal Log class.
  14. LeakCanary – LeakCanary is a memory leak detection library for Android.
  15. greenDAO – greenDAO is an open-source Android ORM making development for SQLite databases fun again. It relieves developers from dealing with low-level database requirements while saving development time. 
  16. PhotoEditor – A Photo Editor library with simple, easy support for image editing using Paints, Text, Filters, Emoji, and Sticker-like stories.
  17. CalendarView – A highly customizable calendar library for Android, powered by RecyclerView.
  18. Bubble Navigation – A light-weight library to easily make beautiful Navigation Bar with lots of customization options. It supports TransitionDrawable for cool state changes.
  19. Balloon – A lightweight popup like tooltips, fully customizable with arrow and animations.
  20. Croppy – A image cropping library for Android which supports focus, zoom features.
  21. Broccoli – It shows the placeholder of view when you are loading something…
  22. Contour – Contour is a typesafe, Kotlin-first API for complex layouts on Android. The library aims to be the thinnest possible wrapper around Android’s layout APIs. It allows you to build compound views in pure Kotlin without using opaque layout rules.
  23. Orbit MVI – Orbit is a MVI framework for Android and Kotlin, which provides the minimum structure possible around your redux implementation to make it easy to use, yet leave you open to use RxJava’s power.
  24. Cyanea – This library is a powerful, dynamic, and fun theme engine. it is named after Octopus Cyanea which is adept at camouflage and not only can change color frequently, but also can change the patterns on and texture of its skin.

Useful Tools

  • Android Asset Studio – A collection of tools to generate icons for Android, including launcher, shape shifter, 9-patch generator, action bar icon generator.
  • – Create screenshots for apps.
  • – Create intro videos, screenshots for apps.
  • App cost calculator – This is an online tool developed by Digitalya that can help you get a rough estimate of how much your app will cost. It provides you with a full breakdown of future development costs so that you can make informed decisions.

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Android provides many ways to store data. However, SQLite database is most commonly used in apps which require large data storage. SQLite is a built-in relational database in Android. It is managed by classes in android.database.sqlite package. This package includes...
Starting or default activity of an app can be configured using the intent-filter tag in AndroidManifest.xml. A simple case you need to do this is when the app contains a splash screen which is required to be displayed first when...
Google has made it much more easier for developer to create an app with Navigation Drawer since Google's I/O in 2015. In this tutorial, I will introduce how to switch among fragments when an item on navigation drawer is clicked....
Splash Screen is displayed for like a second or two then gets redirected to main default activity after an app is first opened. It is often used to display an app or company's logo. Since Android Studio hasn't had this feature built-in,...
Picasso is an image library for Android. It simplifies the process of displaying images from internal storage or from an external URL. When it comes to processing images in an app, Picasso is always my choice. Loading an image is...
Developing a chat or message app requires lots of skills, including the server's back-end service creation skills and Android development skills. It is better for a developer to let a 3rd-party handle server logic and scalability to focus on Android...
Even though both Dalvik and ART optimize RAM usage with garbage collection (GC), it doesn't mean a developer can do whatever they want without checking how an app allocates and releases RAM. How to trigger memory leaks Developers need to...

Creating chart has never been a fun task to do. These libraries will help developer avoid this horrendous task. AChartEngine AChartEngine is a charting library for Android app development which supports a large ranges of chart types, from simple ones...
There are several standard libraries for processing XML files using Java language. The SAX and the DOM XML parsers are also available on Android which are also similar to ones used in Java. XmlPullParser XML Pull Parser is an interface...

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