How to Replace New Line with HTML Br Tag in String Using Java

This blog post will talk about how to replace new line with HTML br tag in string using Java.

If you are working on a project that requires the ability to replace new lines with HTML br tags, then this article is for you! We’ll start by taking a look at some code examples and discussing their functionality.

All operating systems have some special characters to determine a line break. Unix-based systems like Ubuntu and Android uses the \n character to move the cursor to the next line. Windows uses \r\n. And HTML language uses br tag to indicate a new line.

If you are working on a Java web app and needs to replace line break in a string with br tag, here are some examples for you.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

class JavaExample
	public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
		String source = "Java is a programming language that can be used \n" +
        "to create web applications, Android apps, and much more.\n" +
        " it's easy to learn and it provides many features such as data types, operators, expressions, \n" +
        "statements, control structures and other elements that make up computer programs.";

		String output = source.replaceAll("(\r\n|\n)", "<br>");

As you see in the example, we use replaceAll() method of String class to replace \r\n or \n (\r\n|\n) with br tag. The out put wil be:

Java is a programming language that can be used <br>to create web applications, Android apps, and much more.<br> it's easy to learn and it provides many features such as data types, operators, expressions, <br>statements, control structures and other elements that make up computer programs.

Using the java string replaceAll() method will return a new string with all of the sequence of characters matching regex and replacement string replaced.

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