What is Scatter Plot?

You’re probably shocked and overwhelmed when your teacher asked you to observe relationships between numeric variables using a scatter plot.

You might be wondering what a scatter plot is. Worry no more! In this article, you will learn how to use it like a pro!

Scatter Plot – What is it?

Called as a scatter chart or graph, a scatter plot represents values for two numeric variables using dots. The position of all dots on both vertical and horizontal axis show values.

When to Use a Scatter Plot?

A scatter plot is a flexible chart to use these days. It is not only utilized to observe relationships between numeric variables but also used to identify correlational relationships.

A scatter plot is also the recommended tool when determining patterns in data. To divide data points into different groups, we need to base it on how a set of points cluster with each other.

But wait, there’s more! A scatter plot is useful when you are tasked to segment data into parts like the development of personas.

Mistakes to Avoid When Using Scatter Plots

Although using scatter plots is easy, it is difficult when you give it a shot. In fact, most people commit these mistakes. Take a close look at the following:


Do you have a large number of data points to present in a scatter chart? If yes, the risk of overplotting is higher than you have expected. But it is avoidable. You can sample a subset of data points. Alternatively, you can change the dots to make overlaps visible.

Misinterpretation of Correlation

Another problem is when we interpret correlation as causation. Nevertheless, it is not common. Many people usually experience overplotting.

Bottom Line

We hope this simple and comprehensive guide will help you use a scatter chart in the future. Enjoy! Share this article to your friends and classmates today!

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