List of All Available Widgets in Odoo

The following are all available widgets that can be used in XML template files.


The widget=”monetary” was introduced in Odoo 9.0 and is not available in previous versions. We used it when we want to create a field that unit of measure has linked to a currency like for example “amount_total_signed“.


The widget =”statusbars” gives you the ability to show the progress to the user in a visual way. Statusbars are ideal to use in combination with buttons that will modify the state where a record is in.


The widget=”handle” gives you the option to re-order lines, making records drag and dropable. When you need to be able to rearrange the order of field rows, you want to enable the user to drag the line up and down the list. This is especially when the rows represent something in which order is important.

You will find this widget when adding a line to the sale order.

Mail Followers & Mail Thread

The widget=”mail_followers” and widget=”mail_thread” are used when we want to add our fields with the possibility to create messages, follow them, and add attachments.


The widget=”statinfo” is used when we have a Fields to display statics


The widget=”selection” adds a drop-down list when we have a many2one field.

It can also be used when you want to limit the choice of users in a field.


The widget=”progressbar” is used to show the progress of a task in percentage.

Many2many Tags

The widget=”many2many_tags” presents a list of tags and lists labels as filters.


The wigdet=”image” For adding an image, we add a binary field in the model.

One2many List

The widget=”one2many_list” is used when we want to view a filed as one2many.


The widget=”radio” is used as a radio button.


There is a module called “Gauge Widget for Kanban” installed by default in Odoo, it allows to add gauge widget to kanban board as the name suggests.

Float Time

The widget=”float_time” shows the floats as if they represent time.


The widget=”hml” is used to store HTML. It can save the text format.


The widget=”url” is used when we have a field that creates a HTTP link.


The widget=”percentpie” show a pie chart with percentage ( does not work in the tree view or kanban).

Many2one Button

The widget=”many2onebutton” create a simple button that indicates if it’s assigned.

Many2many Checkboxes

The widget=”many2many_checkboxes” List of checkboxes.

Many2many Kanban

The widget=”many2many_kanban” view of a kanban that is associated kanban. Be aware that the view needs to be defined.


The widget=”email” create a link to send an E-mail.

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