5 Types of Dog Toys

Bones, ropes, and sticks were primarily the first type of dog toys around. But presently, the variety of dog toys are vast and many. Times have truly changed, and gone are the days of only sticks, bones, and ropes as dog toys. Nowadays, dog toys are what many would refer to as the big chunk, larger percent in the area of the multi-billion pet industry. Dog supplies, food, and of course, toys area are truly one of the most profitable and “richer” ends of the pet industry business.

Given that there are now multiple varieties of dog toys, nowadays, they are now classified, too. Chuck Castello, a member of the KONG company, thinks it is just right to divide the types of dog toys into separate categories:

Training toys

These can aid with teething and can help your dog distinguish which can/can’t be chewed.

Beginner Dog Agility Training Obstacle Course & Tail Teaser Lure Wand

This chasable, tuggable luring toy provides exercise and entertainment indoors & out. Featuring a durable nylon chord and flexible pull this toy is sure to stand up to tough tuggers

Enrichment/treat-dispenser toys

These are the toys that are essential for mental stimulation and as well as with helping in fighting off sleepiness/boredom.

Interactive toys

Toys like these would include those used for tug and fetch. Interactive toys are great for building the bond between you as their owner and your dog.

Ball Launcher

The ball launcher can automatic launch tennis ball which lets small dogs play fetch to their hearts’ content.

Self-amusement toys

Whenever your dog is home alone, these toys are great for keeping them busy and playing. Usually, these are more durable and stronger.

Comfort toys

Usually comfort toys are in the form of plush toys that serve as your dog’s buddy and what can keep your dog company during sleep. 

With categorizing dog toys, you will have a clear idea which will be the best for your dog’s daily needs. As Castello says, “The right toy selection feels helpful with honing a well-rounded dog.” Finding the perfect toys for your fur baby will make them happy and keep you as an owner, assured of their overall well-being and safety.

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