Sega Announces Mega Drive 2 – A Tiny SEGA CD Retro Console

Over the past years, Sega released two mini retro consoles – the Genesis Mini console and Game Gear Micro.

  • Sega’s Genesis Mini console was one of the few retro emulation devices that approached the quality and authenticity of NES and SNES Classics. The console comes with games that were all fan favorites and classics that many people grew up playing, even though a few ones were missing. The console itself was also very well made and looked just like the original Sega Genesis.
  • The Game Gear Micro is the smallest and most portable console to date. At just 3 inches wide, 1 inch high with a depth of 80mm it’s smaller than your typical game system yet still has enough power for any classics!

And, Sega is giving us another console. The company has announced that they will be releasing another retro console this October and it’s called Mega Drive Mini 2. It’ll cost 9,980 yen before tax, which is less than $80. The price is similar to other mini consoles released earlier on – which makes sense because development time must have been limited during those days too.

With an entirely different 50-game lineup, the Mega Drive Mini 2 will have classics like Sonic The Hedgehog CD and Shining Force II. There are also new games such as Virtua Racing or Thunderforce IV on there! A version of Fantasy Zone has been thrown into this package too for good measure.

The console includes all of the original’s features, down to the last minute detail. The Mega Drive Mini 2 is a re-creation of the redesigned “model 2” version of the console that was released in 1994, based on the original Genesis/Mega Drive hardware. The gamepad released alongside the console includes an integrated six-button version of the Genesis’ gamepad.

In an effort to make sure you have the most authentic gaming experience possible, Sega has released a new accessory for their classic Mega Drive Mini console. The specially designed mounting hardware and spacers will allow users with either version of this device (non-colored models) maximum flexibility when playing games from its library that were originally released on CD or floppy disks – like Virtua Racing!

You only need the console to play the games, but the attachment is for display purposes only. The cartridge and CD are also purely cosmetic.

M2, the same team that created the original Mega Drive Mini, is in charge of this emulation. If the console is released outside of Japan it will most likely have a different price and accessory list. The design could also change to match other markets as well!

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