Flutter SharedPreferences Tutorials and Other Useful shared_preferences Libraries

 Shared Preferences is a lightweight and efficient way to store data in the form of key-value pairs for Android and iOS. It is helpful for storing user preferences, settings, and other small pieces of data. It is also helpful for storing small amounts of data that can be accessed quickly. The data stored in Shared Preferences is persistent, meaning that it will remain stored even when the app is closed or the device is restarted. Shared Preferences is a great way to store small amounts of data that need to be accessed quickly.


The plugin wraps platform-specific persistent storage for simple data (NSUserDefaults on iOS and macOS, SharedPreferences on Android, etc.)


import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';

class SharedPrefs {
	static Future<SharedPreferences> get prefs => SharedPreferences.getInstance();

	static void saveUsername(String username) async{
		final p = await prefs;
		p.setString('USERNAME', username);
	static Future<String> loadUsername() async{
		final p = await prefs;
		return p.getString('USERNAME') ?? 'demo';

Store an object

class User {
  final int id;
  final String username;
  final String fullname;

  User(this.id, this.username, this.fullname);

  User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
      : id = json['id'],   
        username = json['username'],
        fullname = json['fullname'];

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() =>
        'int': int,
        'username': username,
        'fullname': fullname,
class UserPrefs {
  static Future<SharedPreferences> get prefs => SharedPreferences.getInstance();

  static void setUser(User user) async {
    final p = await prefs;
    p.setString('USER', jsonEncode(user.toJson()));

  static Future<User> getUser() async {
    final p = await prefs;
    String userString = p.getString('USER');
    return User.fromJson(jsonDecode(userString));


This is a stream-based wrapper over shared_preferences, allowing reactive key-value storage with rxdart Stream observation.

final rxPrefs = RxSharedPreferences(await SharedPreferences.getInstance());

//methods supported to read and save data
Future<bool> containsKey(String key);
Future<dynamic> get(String key);
Future<bool> getBool(String key);
Future<double> getDouble(String key);
Future<int> getInt(String key);
Future<Set<String>> getKeys();
Future<String> getString(String key);
Future<List<String>> getStringList(String key);

Future<bool> clear();
Future<void> reload();
Future<bool> commit();
Future<bool> remove(String key);
Future<bool> setBool(String key, bool value);
Future<bool> setDouble(String key, double value);
Future<bool> setInt(String key, int value);
Future<bool> setString(String key, String value);
Future<bool> setStringList(String key, List<String> value);


streaming_shared_preferences adds reactive functionality on top of shared_preferences. It can do everything SharedPreferences can, while adding the function of listening to changes in keys.

final preferences = await StreamingSharedPreferences.instance;

// Get a reference to the counter value and provide a default value 
// of 0 in case it is null.
Preference<int> counter = preferences.getInt('counter', defaultValue: 0);

// "counter" is a Preference<int> - it can do anything a Stream<int> can.
// We're just going to listen to it and print the value to console.
counter.listen((value) {

// Somewhere else in your code, update the value.

// This is exactly same as above, but the above is more convenient.
preferences.setInt('counter', 2);


This is the same as Shared Preferences but it saves data as encrypted values. Data is decrypted when retrieved. 

EncryptedSharedPreferences encryptedSharedPreferences = EncryptedSharedPreferences();

//read data
encryptedSharedPreferences.getString('username').then((String value) {
//save data
encryptedSharedPreferences.setString('username', 'admin').then((bool success) {


Glutton can save data as key-value securely. Stored data is also encrypted.

bool isSuccess = await Glutton.eat(key, data);
dynamic data = await Glutton.vomit(key);
//check if data exist
bool isExist = await Glutton.have(key);
bool isSuccess = await Glutton.digest(key);
//clear all
await Glutton.flush();

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