Automatically Scroll Down Pages in Chrome and Other Web Browsers

Everyone experiences the great benefits of using automation. You can maximize your productivity by performing shortcuts on your computer. Imagine the hassle you would experience if automation didn’t exist. 

People are now using modern browsers on their computers. Thanks to automation, you can still use the shortcut keys on your browser. You can jump between tabs, change its zoom level or stop a page to load.

But, have you tried auto-scrolling on your browser? If not, now is the time to use it due to its usefulness. If you’re using Windows and an external mouse, you can middle-click on the webpage area. You can move your mouse on the starting point of the crosshair and the webpage would scroll automatically.

How to Use AutoScroll Extension on Google Chrome?

Every webpage user wants convenience in using Google Chrome. Since we’re talking about the auto-scroll function, it’s wise to add the AutoScroll extension to your web browser. With this functionality, you can navigate your browser using a middle click.

To install the AutoScroll option, you navigate the extension at and then select the “Add to Chrome” button.  Once it’s complete, you would see the crosshair appear on the extension bar of the browser. But, you need to restart Chrome so that the extension functions correctly. You can close the browser manually for you to do this.

After you restart Chrome, you can now click the AutoScroll icon and then select Options. With these options, you can set the pixels you want the cursor should have once you’re using the auto-scroll function.

Take note: It’s best to disable one of the 2 options you see on the Basic table.  If you’re already using the middle click, it’s wise to disable the other options so that you wouldn’t experience hassle in using the browser. 

How to Use AutoScroll Bookmarklet in Other Browsers?

What if you’re not using Google and prefer to use Bookmarklet? Don’t worry because there’s a solution you can do. But, the browser you’re using needs to support JavaScript and a bookmark bar. It includes but isn’t limited to Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, and Chrome.

Tim Harper developed the AutoScroll Bookmarklet in 2008 and people still use auto-scroll today.  For you to use it, you enable the bookmarks bar of your browser. You can find the bookmark under the address bar. You click the “AutoScroll” link you see on the page. Then, you drag it toward the bookmarks bar.

Once these steps are successful, you would see the new bookmark on the bookmarks bar. You would read “AutoScroll” on the webpage.

You would soon agree that the Bookmarklet is essential and powerful on your browser. You click the Bookmarklet on any webpage so that you would determine that it works. It’s noticeable that the default speed is low, but you can perform a few shortcuts to increase the speed. You can press “-“for you to decrease the scroll speed. Meanwhile, the “=” would increase the speed of the scroll. 

Also, you can perform other such as Shift+- if you want to decrease the scroll’s speed rapidly.  If you want to increase the speed, you press Shift+=.  You press the letter Q if you want to stop scrolling on the webpage.

For you to achieve good results, you need to follow the steps mentioned above carefully. You also make sure that the auto-scroll extension is installed on your browser.

What can you expect after this? Of course, fast and easy webpage operation would be in your hands. So, if you’re ready to use AutoScroll, now is the right time to do it. Let this article be your guide.

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