A coding project can be anything from developing a new website to creating a new software program. It can be a small or large project, depending on your skills and experience. Some beginners might want to start with a smaller project, such as creating a simple website or program. Others might be ready to take on a more complex project.
If you’re just starting in coding, it can be tough to know where to begin. With so many different languages and frameworks to choose from, it can be hard to know which one is the best for you. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 10 coding projects for beginners, in a range of different languages and frameworks. These projects are perfect for getting you started in coding, and helping you to learn the basics.
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10 Coding Projects for Beginners
A basic website using HTML and CSS

A website is a collection of web pages that are accessible over the internet. Websites are typically hosted on a web server and can be accessed using a web browser. Most websites use HTML and CSS to create their layout and design. HTML is used to structure the content of a webpage, and CSS is used to style the appearance of the page. If you’re just starting out in coding, creating a basic website is a great way to learn the basics of HTML and CSS.
It can be a simple website or a more complex one, depending on your skills and experience. If you’re new to coding, start with a simple website, using basic HTML and CSS tags. As you learn more, you can add more features to your websites, such as animation and interactivity.
A simple CRUD application using PHP
CRUD is an acronym for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These are the four basic functions that most applications need to perform. A CRUD application is a simple application that allows users to create, read, update, and delete data. PHP is a popular language for creating web-based applications. It’s relatively easy to learn, and there are many frameworks and libraries available that make development faster and easier.
A CRUD website or application will help you to learn how to create, read, update, and delete data using PHP. You can also learn how to connect to a database and how to use various PHP libraries and frameworks.
A front-end application using AngularJS
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework for creating web-based applications. It’s designed to make development faster and easier, by providing features such as two-way data binding and unit testing. If you’re just starting out in coding, AngularJS is a great framework to learn.
An AngularJS app will teach you how to create a front-end application using a JavaScript UI framework. You’ll learn how to use AngularJS directives, expressions, and controllers. You’ll also learn how to connect your application to a back-end server, such as NodeJS.
A simple REST API using Node.js and Express
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript code on a server. Express is a web framework for Node.js that makes development faster and easier. Together, these two tools allow you to create a REST API, which is an application programming interface that uses HTTP methods to CRUD data.
This project will help you learn how to set up a Node.js server, and how to use the Express framework to build a REST API. You’ll also learn how to connect your API to a database, and how to perform CRUD operations on data.
A simple chat application using Socket.IO
Socket.IO is a JavaScript library that allows you to create real-time applications. It uses WebSockets to provide a bi-directional communication channel between the client and server. This allows you to create applications that are constantly connected, such as chat applications and social networks.
A Socket.IO app will teach you how to create a real-time application using web sockets. You’ll learn how to use the Socket.IO library to create a communication channel between the client and server. You’ll also learn how to broadcast messages to all connected clients, and how to handle events.
A casual game using Unity3D
Unity3D is a game engine that allows you to create 3D games. It’s a powerful tool that provides a lot of features and functionality out of the box. If you’re just starting out in game development, Unity3D is a good engine to learn.
A casual game will help you to understand game engines and how they work. You’ll also get an introduction to Unity3D, and learn how to create a simple 3D game. You’ll learn how to create game objects, add components, and script basic gameplay functionality. You’ll also learn how to build your game for different platforms, such as web, desktop, and mobile.
A data visualization using D3.js
D3.js is a JavaScript library for creating data visualizations. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to create interactive and dynamic visualizations. If you’re interested in data visualization, D3.js is a good library to learn.
This project will teach you how to create a data visualization using D3.js. You’ll learn how to create different types of charts and graphs, and how to style and animate them. You’ll also learn how to interact with data, and how to add tooltips and legends. By the end of this project, you’ll be able to create your data visualizations that can be used to communicate information effectively and engagingly.
A note app using Flutter
Flutter is a mobile SDK for creating cross-platform applications. It allows you to write code once and deploy it to both Android and iOS devices. If you’re interested in mobile development, Flutter is a good tool to learn. This project will teach you how to create a simple note-taking app using Flutter.
You’ll learn how to create a user interface, how to add data and functionality, and how to deploy your app to Android and iOS devices. The project is broken down into four parts: user interface, adding data and functionality, deploying to Android, and deploying to iOS. Each section will include instructions and screenshots to help you along the way.
A virtual reality application using A-Frame
A-Frame is a web framework for creating virtual reality applications. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to create VR experiences that work on any platform. If you’re interested in VR development, A-Frame is a good tool to learn.
Creating a VR application is simpler than you may think. With A-Frame, all you need is a web browser and a text editor. This project will teach you the basics of creating a VR scene, adding VR components, and deploying your app to web and mobile platforms.
Experiment with artificial intelligence using TensorFlow
TensorFlow is an open-source end-to-end machine learning platform. It has a rich ecosystem of tools, libraries, and community resources that allow researchers to advance their machine learning skills. And it also allows developers to easily create and deploy ML-powered applications.
TensorFlow was originally developed by researchers and engineers working on the Google Brain team within Google’s Machine Intelligence research organization for the purposes of conducting machine learning and deep neural networks research. However, the system is general enough to be applicable in a wide variety of other domains as well. In November 2015, Google open-sourced TensorFlow under the Apache 2.0 license. Since then, the software has been adopted by a large community of developers and researchers around the world.
Making an AI-powered application is a great way to learn about machine learning and artificial intelligence. This project will teach you how to use TensorFlow to create an ML-powered app. You’ll learn how to train and evaluate models, and how to deploy your app to a web or mobile platform.
These are just a few ideas to get you started. Once you’ve completed these projects, you’ll have a great foundation on which to build more complex applications. And, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve created something useful, from scratch. If you want to look for more programming ideas, you can visit Tle Apps, which is a website dedicated to coding projects for beginners.